Ozone Treatment

How can this be helpful?


Practitioner Guided Expertise

When safely and appropriately applied, ozone can be greatly beneficial to the body. It helps to stimulate homeostasis, or balancing, of the body.

Conditions Helped

Ozone is commonly used for infections, athletes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, gut problems, mold toxicity, lyme, as an anti-aging tool, biohacking, and longevity!

Powerful tool

This treatment can powerfully impact your health and wellness journey!

  • Resources and References

    Drs Ozone-

    “Biohackers around the world are turning back their biological clocks and slowing the aging process. As they enhance every aspect of their body and mind, they become unstoppable in their career and personal goals.”

    Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine-

    “Ozone therapy has been utilized and extensively studied for many decades altogether. Its effects are proven, consistent and with minimal side effects. Medical O3, used to disinfect and treat disease, has been around for over 150 years. Used to treat infections, wounds and multiple diseases, O3's effectiveness has been well-documented.”

    Shoemaker's article -

    “Ozone potentiates more complete oxidation, helps to maintain more normal body temperature and increases the effects of most hormones, vitamins, herbs, homeopathics, and drugs. Concurrent ozone administration reduces the amount of chemotherapeutic drugs needed to achieve effect by 1⁄4 to 3⁄4. It complements chelation therapies and frequently improves the affect and sense of well being in patients.”


Infrared Sauna