One-on-One Coaching

What to expect:


Getting to know you

Our first session will hone in on your desired areas of focus and where there are opportunities for improvements in mood, health and overall wellness. We will review medications, health concerns and ailments, as well as lifestyle discussion.

Personalized next steps

Depending on your body and mind needs, we will develop an action plan together, utilizing the full range of modalities that are accessible, including emotional release, frequency healing, supplements, homeopathy, The Emotion Code, essential oils and NeuroEmotional Technique.

Future-mindset mapping

We want to plan for longevity and a mindset of thriving over just surviving. I am here to help coach you into a maintenance mindset or come back to more consistent sessions when needed.


Stress Reduction and Emotional healing

Many physical symptoms in the body can have an underlying emotional component- find and RELEASE the emotional stress to get freedom and healing.

Neuroemotional Technique (NET) and The Emotion Code may be instrumental in opening your body up to its full healing potential.

Do you need help with….?

Anxiety, Addiction, Allergies, AutoImmune, Depression, Stress Management, Skin concerns, Fatigue, Digestion, Heart Trouble, Emotional release, Detoxification, Hormone balancing, Sleep challenges and more.

First Aid Stress Tool (FAST)

“FAST can be used to help relieve symptoms associated with mind/body stress. The stressful events we face today are often subconsciously reminding us of old stressful events that have happened in our past, and this can cause a recurring stress pattern. This kind of stress pattern is called a conditioned response, and it often happens without any awareness on our part.

FAST comes from a more comprehensive technique called call NET. Both FAST and NET are focused on eliminating specific conditioned response patterns so people don't have to keep experiencing a continual reaction to unresolved past events. In some cases NET, which is only used by licensed healthcare practitioners, is needed to help find and resolve the deeper issue associated with a past stress pattern.”

Meeting you where you are, and making changes and adjustments at your pace.


NeuroEmotional Technique