NeuroEmotional Technique 

NeuroEmotional Technique (NET) is a mind-body practice to find and remove neurological imbalances related to unresolved stress patterns in the body.

Unresolved stress can show up in a variety of ways:

Physically- ie physical pain (a “pain in the neck”), trouble with an organ or body system- it can manifest in any variety or combination.

Emotionally/mentally- Feeling “stuck” in a behavior or pattern, Unable to move past something in your life (a loss, grief, change of circumstance), attracting the wrong kind of people into your life, etc.

Additional applications:

  • Using “OK” statements to have neutrality towards something that is true, or you would like to be true in your life- ie- “I’m ok being successful”, “I’m ok being wealthy”

  • Help with emotional neutrality around past traumatic events or experiences.

  • Feeling mode- help with addressing unknown stressors

Clinical Trial- NET effect on patients with Chronic low back pain:

NET and brain physiology in cancer patients with traumatic stress symptoms:

Background concepts and dynamics of NET

Quick 7-minute explanation of the basis and history of development of NET

Are you “STRESSED”?

45-minute documentary about NET

What it is- and is not

It does help neutralize stress in the body and can help to relieve blockages to the body’s innate ability to heal. It is not talk therapy or psychiatry, it does not predict the future or exorcise entities.

NET does not make claims as to what happened in the past- all memory events are considered to be the persons “emotional reality” because the event may or may not correspond with historical reality.

Heather is certified in NeuroEmotional Technique and has been using it in practice since 2021


One-on-One Coaching


Functional Health