Guiding what fuels and nourishes your body.

The best Whole-Food nutritional Supplements money can buy.

Our soils are nutrient deficient. The same food we ate 50 years ago simply does NOT offer the same micronutrient profile. We are obese and malnourished simultaneously. Elevated Standard offers nutrition from various companies of the highest standards. Some of the options include- Standard Process, Supreme Nutrition, Professional Formulas, MediHerb and Nutriwest to fill some of these nutritional gaps. Supplements are recommended based on your specific needs, diet and using muscle testing to find out what your body is asking for and what will work best for you.

Homeopathy- NET Remedies

Homeopathy was developed in 1796 by Samuel Hahneman. There have been many clinical trials demonstrating its efficacy and efficiency. One modality which partners with homeopathy is Neuro-Emotional-Technique to experience mind-body stress relief. NET is based on a proven combination of the latest scientific research combines with centuries old wisdom of Eastern healing. The homeopathic remedies offered can help the body support healing as long-standing and charged patterns are rebalanced. NET is performed with muscle testing to ask the mind and body which meridian systems are involved with an emotional or physical manifestation. The NET remedies are incredible combinations of effective homeopathic preparations to address both.

Essential Oils

Every essential oil has a unique frequency. These are used as an adjunct in practice and occasionally recommended for home use as well. It is important to have the highest quality oils for your body- some companies offered are Doterra and VerVita oils


NeuroEmotional Technique


Lebowitz Protocol