the Lebowitz protocol

Testing for subclinical infections, dysbiosis, heavy metals, food sensitivities and hormones.

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Tried EVERYTHING else? Want effective and efficient results?

This protocol involves testing the body’s response to bioenergetic vials which can indicate a sensitivity to a virus, fungus, Lyme, mold, Candida, SIBO, H.Pylori and many other bacteria/viruses as well as biofilms. Additionally, it assesses for food sensitivities, heavy metal and chemical toxicity, EMF sensitivity, organ dysfunction, coagulation (blood clotting) issues and hormonal imbalance.

Dr. Micheal Lebowitz

Dr. Lebowitz is a world-renowned chiropractor who has been in practice for over 3 decades. He has written 4 books and also authored over 60 articles. In addressing many patients with subclinical infections and in some of his own health challenges he discovered and created this unique testing system. His method specializes in eliminating false negatives to find the underlying causes of illness and imbalances in the body. In addition- it addresses many aspects of health simultaneously, leading to incredibly quick and effective outcomes. He is sought after around the globe for teaching this remarkable and efficient technique.

 What to expect:

When you come in for this protocol we will talk about your symptoms and lifestyle as well as health history. Using various arm and leg positions we assess the vials and determine the ones your body is responding to. Finding the appropriate nutrition and herbs is the next step of the process. Then we will de-sensitize the body to the pathogens, metals and sensitivities. I will provide a specific plan for foods to avoid until our next appointment, depending on what shows up for you. Temporarily eliminating foods which you are sensitive to is a major factor in the success of the protocol. The follow up is typically in about 2 weeks from the initial visit.

Could this be helpful to you?

Lebowitz Protocol can be helpful for may different health conditions including:

  • Mold or mycotoxin

  • Lyme or Lyme co-infections

  • Digestive disorders- bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, pain, heartburn, belching/burping, leaky gut

  • Fatigue

  • Pain and inflammation

  • Rashes and skin conditions

  • Heavy metal toxicities


Functional Health


Ion Cell Cleanse