Ion Cellular Detox

What’s involved


Cellular level detoxification

In our state of constant onslaught of toxins, it is crucial to start by detoxing the body. We are exposed to pesticides, mold, toxins, herbicides, chemicals, synthetics, parasites, micro-plastics, pollution and heavy metals.

Protocol for healing

Different bodies need different protocols. Discuss the optimal schedule for your body.

On-going Wellness

Once we get you back to baseline, continue to maintain the effects with a monthly cleanse.

Who benefits from cellular cleansing or detox?

Literally everyone. In the current toxic soup of our environment everyone can benefit from detoxing. Our foods are riddled with pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, heavy metals and other pollutants. Our air is polluted. The water system has pharmaceuticals and residues that you should not be ingesting. We are exposed to micro-plastics in food and on clothes. Our furniture is treated with toxic flame retardants and we sleep on foam mattresses that may be causing sensitivities. Common skin care products, makeup, lotions, soaps and hair care have toxins in them that you are slathering all over your largest organ (the skin!).

That is why cleansing should be a regular part of any wellness routine, and why it can be instrumental in getting your health back on track, since many illnesses can be caused by or complicated by toxic load. In instances of chronic illness, a more frequent schedule is recommended to get back to health.

How does Cellular detox work?


It is a very simple and relaxing process. You will place feet in the foot bath, with the ion array between your feet and a bracelet on your wrist. You will experience the benefits of cellular cleansing. See the benefits within the hour as residue and particulates are released from the large pores of your feet.

There are immediate results in the water of the foot bath, and the effects continue to work in your body over the next 48hrs.



  • Aid liver detoxification

  • Improved memory and sleep

  • Purge heavy metals

  • Improve cellular oxygenation

  • Increase energy and reduce stress

  • Pain relief, lower inflammation

  • Enhance the immune system

  • Kidney and parasite cleanse

  • Balance pH


Fact or Myth?

“Is the ionic detox good for anybody?Yes! Most people can benefit from an ionic detox. It is especially good for those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, skin conditions, fungal or yeast infections, and cancer”

Real or Hoax

“Mechanism: Foot detox process gives a positive charge to the hydrogen present in the water. The positively charged hydrogen ions attract the negatively charged toxins in your body and pull them out. It is presumed that the ions in the foot bath water tend to fetter the toxins and heavy metals together in the body. Its mechanism is almost similar to that of a magnetic field. And in this way, it pushes the toxins and metals out from the body through your feet.”

The top of the line Alimtox Ion Cell Cleanse technology makes the difference in results.

Also available for purchase for home use


Lebowitz Protocol


Infrared Sauna